The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a tool of self-discovery that provides a compassionate path for growth toward the healthiest, most integrated version of yourself.

I love personality assessments. I have taken just about all of them and learned a lot about myself in the process. However, they always left me feeling labeled, lacking, and that I had an excuse not to work on myself and change. The enneagram was the first assessment that told me that I don’t have to wear that label and provided a path of growth toward becoming someone I liked and am proud of.

My approach to the enneagram is one of integration and wholeness. Traditional teachings have the tendency to label while providing a path to growth within the confines of that label. The integrated approach provides a freedom to reflect on all aspects of our being, not just one aspect, and become the healthiest, most compassionate, self-aware version of ourselves. I believe the best way to discover how the enneagram shows up in your life is to understand all types, which cannot be done with a test.

I have done trainings with enneagram experts Suzanne Stabile, Chris Heuertz, Katie Skurja, and Jan Johnson and received advanced trainer certification from Jerry Wagner and Kathryn Grant with the Enneagram Spectrum. My approach to an integrated enneagram came out of the teachings of Katie Skurja, Jerry Wagner and Jerome Lubbe. Currently, I am expanding my trainings and writing an enneagram-focused curriculum for my doctoral dissertation.

Experience and Approach

If you are interested in learning more about the enneagram for yourself, team, or family, I would love to connect with you. I have walked many groups - corporate teams, graduate students, church groups - through this approach of the enneagram. Each training is individualized to your team’s needs and includes an assessment. I offer teachings with a secular perspective or a sacred perspective.

The two-hour training is focused on self assessment and self-growth and includes:

  • Enneagram history

  • Overview of types

  • Narrowing down of type

A half day or full day training is focused on self assessment, self-growth and relationships with others includes the assessment and any of the following topics:

  • Compassion for self & others

  • Relational styles

  • Communication styles

  • Overview of and integration of intelligence centers

  • Blind spots, vulnerabilities, and idealizations of each type

  • Stress / security tendencies for each type

  • Social stances / energy for each type

  • Spiritual practices for enneagram types

Enneagram Trainings

What Others are Saying

“While the enneagram can be most clarifying and helpful, if not taught correctly, it can be equally confusing and unhelpful. While there is often a temptation to bind oneself to a particular enneagram type or number, Maggie teaches how one can be set free from all the types and yet draw the strengths and beauty from all the types at the same time. Maggie presents the enneagram from a holistic perspective that finally helped me understand how this ancient tool could guide me toward healing and wholeness.”

–Paul R.

“Maggie is the best! Not only is she knowledgeable about all things enneagram, she is personable and engaging! I would recommend Maggie join any group who wants to take a deep dive into the enneagram. It’s worth it!”

–Heather W.

“Maggie presents the enneagram with her unique expertise and in a way that engages the participant far beyond a number and label. Her vast training and experience brings the enneagram’s gifts to everyone enlarging their understandings of self, others and beyond. With the popularity of the enneagram in our culture today, Maggie unarms the ‘take an online test, get a number, and be done.’ Her nuanced understanding how all the numbers are part of us enables us to see our strengths and limitations as invitations to confidence and growth. As a seminar leader and teacher of the enneagram, Maggie rises to the top of any I have known.”

–Care C.

“Maggie offers enneagram training in a non-judgmental way that fosters personal awareness leading to transformation. Also, her approach encourages integration across multiple facets of a person, like spirituality, psychology, emotions, relationships. With Maggie, the enneagram becomes more than a label to wear—it becomes an opportunity for understanding and change.”

–Wyndi L.

“Maggie spent the day with our team showing us how the enneagram can be used to help our team understand each other. It was very eye opening. Not only did we discover more about ourselves personally, but we also were able to learn how each other operates. Having an open dialogue about the enneagram helped us better value each other’s strengths and communicate more effectively and compassionately with each other.”

–Andrew R.

“Maggie's workshop on the enneagram is the most helpful one I've attended, both for me personally and for the students training in our Spiritual Direction program. She presents a thorough, comprehensive and positive look at each of the nine styles with the strengths and strategies, potential traps and avoidance area. I especially appreciated her integration of the nine in understanding the life of Jesus. This was new to me. Maggie offers unique spiritual practices for each style. Her material and her outstanding presentation of it are a gift to those learning from Maggie.”

–Marilyn C.