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Maggie Schlosser

Spiritual Director / Companion and Supervisor
Atlanta, Georgia

My name is Maggie and I see myself as a “space creator.” My soul comes alive when I get to create a space for someone to share about their life. I see a sacredness in all things – the seemingly mundane and big blessings. It is an honor and a gift to me to walk alongside someone wherever they are on their spiritual journey.

High school math was my first passion, which I taught for seven years before pursuing ministry. For five years, I worked in both church production and marketplace ministry. I completed my spiritual direction certification through Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta, Georgia and found my heart’s true home.

In my free time, I like to cook, read and sit on my porch with my cat and dog. You can often find me going out for tacos with my friends, producing Sunday services at church, and leading trainings on the Enneagram.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy.

Psalm 16:11

What I Offer

Individual spiritual direction / companionship
Supervision for spiritual directors
Group spiritual direction
Spiritual direction for retreats
Enneagram trainings


Spiritual formation
Grief and loss
Body image
Faith deconstruction
Sexuality and gender identity
Eating disorder recovery support + HAES

Education, Training, and Memberships

University of Illinois, B.S. Mathematics
Troy University, M.S. Educational Technology
Lincoln Memorial University, Ed.S. Curriculum and Instruction
Richmont Graduate University, M.A. Ministry
Richmont Graduate University, Spiritual Direction Certification
Sustainable Faith, Supervision for Spiritual Directors
Shalem Institute, Group Spiritual Direction
Member of SDI and ESDA
The Enneagram Spectrum, Certified Advanced Instructor
Affiliate Member of Sustainable Faith
Associate Member of the Iona Community