Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of spiritual direction?
The benefits of spiritual direction are unique to each individual, as people seek out companionship for many different reasons. You may experience a deeper connection to a higher power. You may discover a sense of peace, freedom, and joy. You may see an increased awareness of holiness in the world. And you might discover that you are on a journey to become the person you were created to be.
Spiritual companionship provides a space to connect with your authentic self and find freedom in becoming who you were created to be. A director may help you explore and interpret your experiences of God, integrate spirituality and practices in your daily life, discern and evaluate decisions, spiritually heal from past wounds, and share your joys, fears, desires, and struggles in a safe environment.
What does a typical direction session look like?
A spiritual direction session is personalized for your needs and desires and lasts about an hour. We often start with some space to breathe, center, and listen to what God has for you that day. We might start with a reading, prayer, or just silence. And then the time is yours and God’s - whatever you need to talk through, process, pray about, or rest in. All of your thoughts and feelings are welcome. If appropriate, I might offer an exercise or reading.
What’s the difference between spiritual direction and counseling or therapy?
Spiritual direction or companionship and counseling or therapy are similar in that they both take place in a quiet, safe place, where trust is sacred and protected. All involve sharing of your life and attuned listening by the director / counselor. While counseling will focus on a client’s life experiences, spiritual direction will focus on a directee’s experiences of God.
Another difference between spiritual direction and counseling is the relationship. The primary relationship in spiritual direction is between God and the directee, while in counseling, the primary relationship is between the counselor and the client. In spiritual direction, we think of God as the true Director; the spiritual director acts a facilitator fostering the directee’s relationship with God, but their role is secondary. In counseling, the role of the therapist is primary. Counselors are listening for the movements and patterns of the person; spiritual directors are listening for the movements of God.
Ravach…that’s a funny word.
Ravach [raw-vakh’] is a Hebrew word that means wide open space. It also means to breathe freely, to be refreshed, and full of compassion. This is the essence of my hope for spiritual companionship – a spacious place where one comes as they are, to pause and breathe in the midst of our chaotic world, and connect with the compassionate heart of the Divine.
What if we have different faith backgrounds?
The premise of spiritual companionship is that God is present and active in your daily life in a multitude of (usually unnoticed) ways. I will respect and make space for you wherever you are in your spiritual journey. While I approach spiritual direction through a Christian perspective, we do not have to be aligned within the same faith tradition or agree on matters of theology and faith to explore and attend to matters that matter deeply.
Do you see a spiritual director?
Yes! I see my spiritual director monthly. I also regularly see a supervisor to hold myself accountable to the boundaries and ethics of a spiritual companion relationship. Both of these relationships are part of my regular spiritual practices and keep me on the path of spiritual growth.
What do you offer?
I offer individual spiritual direction, group spiritual direction, and individual and group supervision for spiritual directors. Outside of the realm of spiritual direction, I also offer enneagram trainings. Please use my Calendly to schedule a complimentary introductory conversation to talk through what these could look like for you.
Tell me more about logistics.
Typically, spiritual direction sessions are scheduled once per month for one hour, although personal needs may vary.
Due to the wonderful world of technology, we can meet virtually using Zoom, FaceTime, or Google Duo. If you live in the Atlanta area, we have the option to meet in-person at my home office.
The initial, introductory session is done via zoom and is free of charge. Subsequent sessions are $70 per session [I am open to dialoguing about this cost]. This initial session is a time for us to get to know each other and talk about what you are looking for in a spiritual companion relationship. There is no commitment required at the end of this session. If you discern that you would like me to be your spiritual director, then we can schedule the first session. This is a copy of the covenant to which we will both agree.